Monday, January 26, 2009

Back on the sewing wagon - nearly...

Yesterday I spent a large part of the afternoon tooling around on the Internet for something to sew for me. Amazingly I have managed to fit back into most of my pre-pregnancy clothes, except for one small (er large) problem, my huge breast-feeding gear! I swear I'm about 2 or 3 sizes larger from the ribs up, than I am anywhere else. So I need to do some sewing - FAST!

I checked out this blog by Stacey, which in fact was the very first blog I ever read, and in an ever increasing spiral of blogs and links ended up finding two great gems which I will share. The first is Erica B, who is an amazing sewer and has made a lot of the garments that I have on my wish list. The girl can sew, and if I have read it right has only been doing it for a few years. She's even tailoring coats and jackets.

The second is like Ravelry for sewing, with reviews written on patterns, a very handy thing indeed. I don't know how many of you out there have struggled with an instruction on a pattern, thinking that you must be wrong, because the pattern company would NEVER get it wrong! Again I haven't spent ages on
this site yet, but I did note that they wished to charge for some of their services - we'll see.

I've chosen New Look 6808, not sure which view yet and I'm off to get some fabric tomorrow - will post the result.

1 comment:

  1. yay! I picked up simplicity 2957 (don't you love when the only notion is 'thread'??) on the weekend and I am itching to sew it up (if only i didn't have to cut it out first. it's too hot to cut =(!!!)


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