Friday, September 28, 2012

ask suzy

I get dozens of emails each week asking for help. I enjoy receiving them and I'm MORE than happy to help out where I can. I LOVE offering advice and helping people negotiate all of the yarns that I have on offer. I realise that buying online can be daunting, and nothing beats good old fashioned customer service.

Thinking about this the other day I decided that I am going to start posting the answers to some of these questions. I  am sure that for every email I receive, there are at least 10 other people that would like to ask the same thing.

I would also love to hear from you, my blog readers. Do you have any questions for suzy? Go on, be brave...leave a comment or email me.

Have a great weekend,
suzy xoxo

1 comment:

  1. I can't think of any questions right now, I just wanted to say I think this is a great idea!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog...I especially love it when I get comments. Have a great day, suzy xoxo


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