Tuesday, April 30, 2013

tea & knitting

My favourite blend - lady grey

I got to thinking about tea & knitting over the weekend.

Musing about whether tea & knitting go together better than coffee & knitting? I think that they do, but I wouldn't take my word for it. I'm totally biased when it comes to tea, and an absolute coffee heathen.

Love the aroma, the look, the whole scene...but can't stand the taste! So I'm going to put it on the line and ask you...tea or coffee? What do you prefer to drink when you knit (or crochet for that matter)?

suzy xoxo
PS: When I see visuals like this one below, I yearn to drink coffee.

STORYBOARD: The Fine Art of Coffee Portraiture from Tumblr on Vimeo.


  1. I drink both and love both equally. Each have their times of day though! Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon.

  2. Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon (and I agree, an Earl Grey blend is my first preference), wine in the evening and a good port after dinner...

    I don't ask for much!


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog...I especially love it when I get comments. Have a great day, suzy xoxo


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