Friday, October 28, 2011

A pure crafty stuff up!

Can we see a problem with this picture crafty peeps?

You might think it's all crafty goodness in these parts morning, noon and night - well this picture tells a different story...

The bottom piece is the back of the Debbie Bliss Moss Stitch jacket - endless and now completed rows of stocking stitch. I was curious about what I felt to be a rather inadequate moss stitch border whilst completing said back - but rationalised it as a pattern that extends from 6 months to 3 years, I'm doing the 3 years so it's going to look smaller on mine - bla bla.

Last weekend I cast on the left front, completed the moss stitch border - and YUP I've made a mistake on the back, two rows short!

Here are the options available to me:
a) pull out the entire back
b) complete garment with the teeny moss stitch border
c) try to unpick the cast on of the back and add two extra rows
d) cut the back moss stitch, throw in a lifeline somewhere and redo the border.

What say you?

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Vogue Knitting and Lantern Moon

Unless my eyes deceive me the cover of the new Vogue Knitting Stichionary books feature Lantern Moon needles, which I recently began to stock. I knew these needles were gorgeous and worthy of a Vogue cover!

The books look pretty good too - will do some investigating and keep you posted...

Monday, October 17, 2011

Happy hausfrau

Something fantastic planned for this week... involving this fabric, a bit of baking, knitting/crochet and loads of fun.... I can't wait!

Friday, October 14, 2011

Wish list

I had a lovely conversation with a customer this morning about what brands I have arriving at suzy hausfrau, and others brands that I'm currently stalking. It was great to hear the feedback that Australian knitters/crochet folk want to be able to buy gorgeous yarn from a store right here in Australia! Just the right tonic for me to know that I'm on the right track.

But I would love to hear what's on your wishlist? What brands of yarn would you like me to stock? There is a thread in my Ravelry group for this very thing. Click here. Ask your friends, other crafty types - I wanna hear it all! I promise, I don't bite.

Have a great weekend,
suzy xoxo

PS Guess where I found my sad little sad dandelion for the photo? In the vegie patch, beside the leeks. Guess I'll be weeding this weekend!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

My creative space

If the truth be known I barely have enough energy for anything vaguely creative today. Sophie and I spent a good three and a half hours at Emergency last night (for asthma) and left without getting seen. It started to get a bit embarrassing when she began to perform a (wheezing) dancing concert for me at 3am! I bailed at this point as it was probably a fair enough reason for why we kept being put to the bottom of the pile. That said, I'm stuffed today!

But I have found some mojo to play with my macro lens and these new additions to the hausfrau fold....will load to shop in next day or so.

People with more mojo than me are creating over here...
suzy xoxo

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

I love my blankie!

Remember this? It's still being used and loved by the same little person! Always a gratifying thing for the maker.

Have a great day,
suzy xoxo

Monday, October 10, 2011


This morning we drew the winner of the BC Garn Baby Alpaca giveaway.....

"Kitten with a Whiplash"

Please email me at to organise the drop!
....thanks everybody for entering!

Friday, October 7, 2011


Yesterday, Sophie was with me with the new colours of Debbie Bliss Baby Cashmerino arrived! I grabbed the camera hoping for a cute shot of her helping me unpack....cute I got yes, but I never expected this reaction.

Mama "Let's see what new colours of wool mama has for her shop."
Soph "Are they rainbow colours?"
Mama "Let's see"....mama furiously rips open box of yarn "Let's see...there's green, blue..."
Soph "PINK! PINK! I love PINK! Let me cuddle it!"
Mama Laughing..."You want to cuddle the wool?"
Soph "PINK! PINK! Aaahhh!"

Well I've tried to be fairly balanced in my approach to what colours I dress her in. I'm not opposed to pink in the slightest, but with her fair skin and hair she rocks navy blue and clear red...but I must "listen to the customer" and start a pink project I think.

Disclaimer - no yarn was hurt in the taking of these photos...these lovely skeins quickly went straight to my ever-expanding stash!

Happy knitting,
suzy xoxo

Thursday, October 6, 2011

My creative space

It's school holidays here and a lovely grey and overcast day! Perfect for working on a new spring 'dreamcatcher' with the squidgets to replace the autumn ones that we made months ago. I use these instructions from the Artful Parent

Also perfect for mummy to grab some sewing time and whip up a quick denim pinafore using these notions. I'm going to use the pattern in The Crafty Kid.

All in all I'm planning a big creative day in my space today...what about you? Need some inspiration - head over here.

suzy xoxo

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

More queue jumping!

Yeah, yeah I know that I posted last week that I had a looming deadline, but I just can't seem to stop myself from choosing, dreaming about or even starting new projects! This deadline involves making this same scarf again...and perhaps my attention span just isn't up to doing the same pattern for about 4 metres! Can't think why?

So late yesterday afternoon, inspired by Retro mummy's choice of yarn for the new Tikki pattern, Jane , I cast on YET another new project! As each row progressed I chanted to myself that this was absolutely necessary and perfectly timed as a cotton knit for summer. Sometimes you just have to lie to yourself, and I'm comfortable with that!

On a serious note though Debbie Bliss Cotton DK is a dream to work with - and it has given me an idea for a summer top for me...stay tuned!

suzy xoxo

PS: Last day to enter my a comment on this post to be in it!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October's garden

After a shocker of a winter in the vegetable garden I'm so relieved to have Spring life appearing. The broad beans are in full flower which hopefully means beans on bruschetta for lunch really soon. In the background here you may just be able to spot some iceberg lettuces which the snails kindly leave for us to eat!

The leeks are still keeping on. I left them in-situ so that I could pick them as I needed them over the winter, but they won't like the warmer weather so I better get a wiggle on and use them up in the next couple of weeks.

My favourite tree in the garden, the Crab-apple is nearly in full bloom....isn't it glorious?

The granny smith apple tree is also in full bloom, and one of my favourite things to say to the squidgets is "can you go and find Bella under the apple tree?" Speaking of Bella, here she is enjoying the warmer weather and watching the world go by.

Come to think of it, this might be a blog debut for Bella. She is fairly sedentary these days at a respectable age of 16, so isn't often in photo range!

Don't forget to pop on over and enter my giveaway that closes this Wednesday.


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