A couple of weeks ago I was frantically baking for the re-run of the boy child's birthday party. We had to can the one in November due to a bad case of conjuctivitis. Well I'd made the cake, smartie biscuits, scones and was onto the cupcakes when the girl-child decided that she needed mummy...right now and no-one else.
The man of the house took-over, I'd already creamed the butter and sugar, added the eggs and all that was left was alternate folding in of flour and milk. Everyone knows how to do that right? Well...apparently not the man of the house. Instead of adding 2 AND 3/4 cups of flour, he added only 3/4.
Well, that's my bloghonesty!
Very true - though my children don't really like cake; the batter is the thing. I'd split them, add strawberries and cream and you'll have the prettiest strawberry shortcakes. Happy New Year.