Friday, December 19, 2008

Ta da!

Just a quick post today, showing everyone the results of the last week's efforts...

Not a lot happening on the hausfrau front, lots of wrapping presents, our tree is absolutely lurching with gifts - so off to the post office today to aid its relief.


  1. What a sweet little cupcake.

  2. She's so beautiful! Many hearty congratulations on your latest finished object ;-)

  3. gorgeous pic!!!
    Love the cupcake too =)

  4. what a beautiful baby. she is perfect and don't you just want to kiss those baby lips. well done mum and dad and big boy (who looks so grown up now)... where has that cute little toddler gone?

  5. hi there again, i forgot to say it's me michelle from the hills. glad to hear everyone is happy.


Thank you for taking the time to read my blog...I especially love it when I get comments. Have a great day, suzy xoxo


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