All good intentions aside I haven't made it to posting for the last couple of days. I must say that I am rather enjoying the whole blog thing I'm not sure who reads the blog, but there's something quite cathartic about putting your wares on display and something very warm and fuzzy if you get a nice comment or two. Thank you to those people that have made comments..
I have managed to achieve some Christmas sewing, and am proud to say I'm on track to finish all my Christmas list by end of November - pending no early arrival of baby that is. I have been desperately hoping to achieve a 30 November deadline for all Christmas presents completed, not sure if I'll ever achieve it after this year after all there is extra incentive with the ticking time bomb in my belly. Speaking of which had scan yesterday and she is heading to be another big baby, the head is huge!!! As of yesterday she was 3.5 kg (7pd 9oz) with 3 1/2 weeks to go until due date. Lordy!
So what sewing's been going on?
Firstly I made a pencil roll, from
Last-Minute Patchwork & Quilted Gifts, by Joelle Hoverson. The design in the book was like this with all this beautiful colour,

but alas alack I have not been sewing long enough to accumulate 24 gorgeous colours to cover the spectrum that is warranted. So I have been looking for a project for this cute Japanese Linen that I picked up and voila here it is.

The fabric is double-sided so I used the pink side for the pocket and lined it and backed the whole thing with a very basic linen.
This morning the boy child awoke early and seemed a bit clingy. After quite a few cuddles and two trips back to bed cos' "I'm sleepy mummy", I took the easy option and put on ABC kids. Normally I don't like him watching TV during the week and aim just for Saturday morning cartoons if he asks for it, but the temptation of finishing another project was far too great to outweigh bad mother behaviour.
So in two hours I completed another Amy Butler Frenchy Bag, this time in a purple fabric from the Linden Fabric Collection. I used a much lighter interfacing this time, as compared with the heavier one that I used for the larger bag. I think I need to find something in between though, because the heavy fabric is great for the contrast panel at the top, but too heavy for the main. I will try maybe mixing it up as I have one more of these to make. The fabrics used for the larger bag (in case anyone is interested) are both by Joel Dewberry for Free Spirit, with Ginseng Bloom Thyme for the main part and Ginseng Orchid in Pink for the contrast panel. I've made some little tissue holders and a coin purse to match, but will post about these another time.